52% of Candidates Pass FIFA’s First Football Agent Exam

52% of Candidates Pass FIFA’s First Football Agent Exam

Football agents play an integral role in the multi-billion-dollar industry of global football. With the recent FIFA football agent exam, over 3,800 aspiring agents from across the globe sat in hopes of gaining eligibility to provide their services worldwide. After the results were announced, it was revealed that just over half of the candidates, 1,962 to be exact, passed the rigorous exam and can now pursue a career in football agency. This achievement proves just how difficult it is to become a licensed agent and highlights the importance of being well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. For those who missed out, the next exam is scheduled for September 2023 but with transfer regulations set to change following this year’s event, it’s never too early to start preparing.

FIFA’s first football agent exam attracted a considerable number of candidates, with 6,586 applying for the opportunity to become licensed agents. However, only 3,800 submissions were received for the test, and of those, just over half met the required mark to obtain a licence. The 1,962 successful candidates can now provide agent services for transfers worldwide. Although many did not pass the exam this time, there are still opportunities for unsuccessful applicants to take the test again in the coming years, showing FIFA’s commitment to expanding and professionalizing the football agent industry.

The recent FIFA Agent Platform exam saw a massive turnout from candidates across the globe, with approximately 300 administrators pitching in to conduct the event. Held across multiple time zones, the exam was taken by candidates from 138 member associations, highlighting the global reach of FIFA’s football agent program. The licensing system, which focuses on boosting the professional and ethical standards of the profession, is an essential component of the FIFA Football Agent Regulations. With compulsory licensing set to commence from 1 October 2023, aspiring football agents can visit FIFA.com for further details on the certification process.

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Mohak Arora


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