Gabriela Cavallin Accuses Manchester United Star Antony: A Detailed Overview of the case

Read the disturbing account of abuse allegations against Manchester United's Antony by Gabriela Cavallin. Explore the details of these serious accusations and the ongoing investigations in this comprehensive report.

In a shocking revelation, Brazilian influencer and DJ Gabriela Cavallin has come forward with allegations of abuse against Manchester United winger Antony. These disturbing events are reported to have occurred between June 2022 and May 2023, as outlined in an interview with Brazilian website UOL.

June 1, 2022: The distressing saga began when Cavallin, who was pregnant at the time, claimed that Antony physically attacked her during a holiday in Brazil. She recounted that Antony threatened to harm her while driving, leaving her in fear for her life. Tragically, she lost the baby shortly after this traumatic incident.

January 15, 2023: Another harrowing incident occurred in January 2023, where Cavallin alleged that Antony headbutted and punched her, resulting in a dislocated breast implant. The cause of the altercation was unclear, but Antony later claimed it was accidental.

May 8, 2023: The final distressing incident involved Antony locking Cavallin inside their home, causing her hand to be severely injured. She expressed her fear of leaving the relationship and how attached she was to the initial stages of their relationship. Cavallin filed a police complaint in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in June 2023 and also reported the matter to Greater Manchester Police. Antony had previously denied the accusations in a statement he made in late June.

Antony, who joined Manchester United from Ajax in August 2022, has continued to play for the team despite these allegations. He has also been selected to represent Brazil in upcoming World Cup qualifiers. This disturbing situation follows a recent decision by Manchester United to part ways with striker Mason Greenwood, who faced legal troubles but had all charges against him dropped in February 2023. Greenwood has since joined La Liga side Getafe on loan. These allegations have cast a shadow over Antony’s career, with investigations ongoing to determine the truth of these deeply troubling claims.

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