“No one arrested for it” Marlon Vera Disappointed With Investigation Agency’s Failure

After three weeks of Marlon Vera's home-break incident, action has yet to be taken so far by the US Police Department.

UFC bantamweight fighter Marlon Vera is highly disappointed with the US justice system after the investigation agencies failed to arrest the burglar who allegedly did the theft on the night of the UFC 299. Marlon “Chito” Vera was scheduled to fight the UFC Bantamweight champion Sean O’Malley on March 9th, and before his major fight, he got the unfortunate update of theft. So far, there haven’t been any positive developments regarding the case, and Marlon Vera is frustrated with the delay in the justice delivery. As per “Chito,” some crucial documents, watches, and money are among the stolen items.

Marlon Vera revealed that he provided enough evidence to the police department to apprehend the burglar, but the law agency hasn’t taken any action in this regard. Marlon Vera wrote this on his Twitter(X) account to express his disappointment with the justice system.

It’s been 3 weeks since getting my home broke in and f**k it’s a sh*tty feeling the fact that there’s no one arrested for it, the fact that what was inside the safe had big value and most important and worst the feeling of being violated my home my privacy and thinking that.”

Marlon Vera probably lost the biggest fight of his career against the UFC Bantamweight champion Sean O’Malley at UFC 299, where the champion defended his title successfully. He avenged the only loss in his professional career against Marlon Vera. “Chito” is currently recovering from his last fight, where he took a lot of damage, and there are no updates regarding his next fight.

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